(UK) Limited

Contact us

General Enquiries

Rail Operations (UK) Limited

T: 01332 343295

E:[email protected]

Wyvern House, Railway Terrace

Derby, DE1 2RU

Traction and rolling stock movements:

Matt Seaton

T: 07557 860583

E: [email protected]

Traction and rolling stock movements:

Lucja Kent

T: 07436 255189

E: [email protected]

Large scale projects and ITTs:

Jonathan Gavin-Jones

T: 07825 781906

E: [email protected]

Rolling stock storage and disposals:

Matt Seaton

T: 07557 860583

E: [email protected]

ERTMS/ETCS projects:

Ron Bailes

T: 07927 557948

E: [email protected]

Media enquiries:

Camilla Mirza

T: 07917 000445

E: [email protected]

Career Enquiries

If you would like to know more about joining our management team, please contact:

E: [email protected]

For all other services:

T: 01332 343295

E: [email protected]